Kidney Fitness

Walking is the best medicine, undoubtedly. Individuals suffering from diabetes and hypertension should make it a point to walk regularly for 30 minutes to 45 minutes on a daily basis. This is because individuals suffering from diabetes and heart disease are at highest risk of compromised kidney functioning. Walking releases stress, reduces blood sugar, increases blood circulation in body, keeps one fit and mobile. Normal to brisk walk is good for health across all age groups. Patients diagnosed with early stage CKD 1 and CKD 2, unless otherwise suggested by the doctor, can maintain a walking schedule on a regular basis and/or follow a fitness schedule with light aerobic exercises, stretching, or any other workout, which is NOT strenuous. Strenuous exercise is not advised for kidney patients.

Aerobic exercise strengthens heart, lowers blood sugar levels, improves appetite and stamina. Anaerobic exercise is short-term activity that uses up oxygen very quickly, such as weight training. Anaerobic exercise builds up muscle tissue and counteracts the loss of muscle that often accompanies CKD. It can help to boost bone density as well. It’s especially beneficial to combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, because building up muscles helps perform both everyday activities and aerobic exercise better. In Aerobic exercise energy expended is not more than oxygen consumed by the body. It involves slow paced activities allowing oxygen consumption by the body to sustain current activity like jogging, walking, slow paced exercises, yoga. In Anaerobic exercises, body’s energy expended is more than the oxygen consumed resulting in muscles breaking down sugar into lactic acid (extensive walking, jumping, kick boxing, swimming, running, high intensity exercise leads to aching muscles due to lactic acid formation). 

Stress management– Even a decade back, stress management was a foreign concept in India. People worked hard, were laborious, walked long distances, ate healthy home made food, connected with family and friends, discussed their problems and led a peaceful life. Stress was only about not having own house, marrying off sisters and repaying the loan taken from a relative. The last decade has brought with it the comforts of own home, double digit income, no family burden of ancestors or siblings, lot of purchasing power, luxury of technological disruption resulting in limited physical mobility, mental depression, and so on. For various reasons, people are stressed out. Stress slowly culminates into hypertension, a leading cause of kidney disease. It is advised that lead a peaceful life and ward off stress by whatever means possible.

Word of caution: When water intake is limited during dialysis phase, exercise may dehydrate body so in this stage and subsequent stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), exercise should be done only with consultation of the doctor. Some studies have shown that rhythmic walking for even five minutes by patients undergoing dialysis helps delaying kidney disease progression.