CKD Stage 1 and 2

Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 1 and 2 – Early chronic renal insufficiency
  • Kidney is a very strong organ inside our body. Mostly, patients in initial stages of kidney disease will have no symptoms at all, apart from occasional fatigue, unexplained tiredness, etc.
  • Since individuals with diabetes and hypertension are more susceptible to develop chronic kidney disease, it is advised that kidney function test (KFT) be carried out on an yearly basis. For people above the age of sixty years, KFT may be conducted half yearly. The sooner the disease is identified and treatment is started, the possibilities of delaying disease progression significantly increases.

In CKD Stage 1, creatinine level will be elevated and may be in the range of 2-5. By the time serum creatinine is elevated, the patient may already have lost 50% of kidney function. Even with 50 percent functioning, kidneys, if well taken care of, will continue to effectively filter toxins from the body and progression of kidney disease will be delayed. In stage 2, creatinine level will be elevated further. Some other symptoms could be erratic behaviour of blood sugar or Blood Pressure inspite of consuming the right doses of medicines. Also,urine will show abnormalities as kidney is not able to filter the wastes from the body.  The main urine abnormality that will suggest a kidney disease is the presence of protein and/or blood. A nephrologist must be consulted for further investigation to confirm kidney disease.

  • In Stage 1 and Stage 2 of CKD, treatment may involve some mild dietary changes (a lower protein diet may in some cases be recommended), and a blood pressure medication may be prescribed even if blood pressure is not really elevated much. Anemia may rarely occur at this stage. In this case, it is most often caused by having heavy proteinuria rather than actual chronic renal insufficiency.

It is advised that a dietician be consulted for meal plan. Kidney filters the wastes from whatever we ingest. If the right kind of food is ingested, lesser waste products will be formed and there will be lesser pressure on the kidney.

At this stage it is important to talk to the doctor regarding vaccinations for chronic kidney disease. Getting a vaccination does not mean that kidney disease is progressing rapidly. Vaccination ensure that infections of various types are kept at bay at subsequent stages.

In normal course of life, some known facts may be reiterated again for all. In early stage itself, start taking good care of your health.

Eat fresh, less spicey, home made food. Avoid excess salt intake, avoid potassium rich food too (various salt substitute products are rich in potassium). Eat easily digestible fish, avoid the ones which release their own oil (eg. hilsa). Reduce potion size (quantity) of food slowly. Include variety of vegetables and eat them in small quantities. All vegetables have sodium and potassium so eating less is key. Say no to red meat and purine rich food (like tomato). Stay away from refined food, like refined salt, refined sugar (crystal sugar, use jaggery if required), refined rice (basmati, atop chaal), refined flour (maida), refined oil from your diet.

Make your environment clean and healthy so that the patient does not catch infection. remember, diaorrhea and flu are also infection.

Make it a point to do some exercise or atleast walking regularly to keep fit. Without doctor’s permission, strenuous exercise must not be done at all. Walking is the most subtle yet effective exercise. Meet with friends and family enjoy life.