Kidney Health Digest

Kidney Health Digest

Live Better

Kidney & Hormone Balance

The kidneys make two main hormones, vitamin D and erythropoietin. Vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone essential for a number of different functions in the body. Most of the vitamin D that is...
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Kidney Function Test (KFT)

There are blood and urine tests which are performed in few repetitions to confirm Chronic Kidney Disease. For healthy persons above age of 60 years and persons having high blood pressure, and diabetes, it is...
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Dialysis is the artificial process of eliminating waste (diffusion) and unwanted water (ultrafiltration) from the blood. Although dialysis helps patients whose kidneys have failed, it is not as efficient as a normal kidney. Consequently, patients...
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Cost of CKD Treatment

Treatment of kidney disease is a costly affair. While we have a long way to go for promoting crowd funding in treatment of kidney disease, it is encouraged that people get their medi-claim, health insurance,...
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About Us

This website attempts to provide information on chronic kidney disease, information on role of kidney, its importance as a vital organ in the body, kidney function tests, diet and lifestyle for kidney patients, stages of kidney disease, systems and organs affected by chronic kidney disease, dialysis and kidney transplant in case of total kidney failure, and many more details in order to increase a patient’s awareness of kidney disease so that they can take measures to control the disease.

The website also has a registration section wherein one can register their name, age, location, details of chronic kidney disease and store their medical reports, doctor’s prescription, dialysis details, etc. This will help them in case they are travelling or in case of sudden hospitalization, as all their reports and medical history will be available in one place. This website is very useful for kidney patients and their families in increasing their understanding about CKD and coping with the same.

Many people are suffering more than they should just because they lack awareness. Awareness on how a kidney patient should lead his/her life, take care of diet especially pre-dialysis and post-dialysis, take required medication and injections in a timely manner, and most importantly know exactly when to go to the doctor without any delay. All this can go a long way in preventing or at least delaying the pace of kidney failure and help a person to lead a more controlled life even with kidney disease.

It is class XII biology that kidneys filter body’s wastes and maintains pH balance of the body by regulating chemicals like potassium, sodium and phosphorus, but how many people know that swollen face, aching foot, reduced urine output are crucial signs of CKD. How many people know that uric acid rises when kidney is malfunctioning, that a stage comes when haemoglobin starts depleting and frozen white blood cells (which is very difficult to procure) have to be given to a kidney patient. How many people know that ferritin (iron) injection has to be given before ESA therapy as iron helps in formation of red blood cells in the body.  How many people know that dialysers are set for each patient differently, that there is a mechanism to wash potassium during dialysis. There are so many more things that few people know and learn with immense difficulty and with bitter experiences of their own. Medical expenses are also a major cause of worry for many people as treatment for kidney disease is a costly affair.

At our dedicated kidney resource  centre, we provide a package service to individual patients and help them to get doctor’s appointment, lab tests, dietitian consultation, healthcare professional consultation, kidney educationist, and even social worker to help raise funds or claim medical insurance, all at a single place. A patient manager, a single point of contact for an individual patient, shall help the patient’s family towards a hassle free experience for treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The patient manager shall ensure that the patient is not having any problem in treatment, check up and consultation at any point of time during their treatment.

Our team also provides access to NGOs who provide subsidized medicines, free dialysis to patients, etc.


Ambulance is the most critical vehicle for people in life threatening situations. Although there are many ambulance services across cities, few people have right contact...

Blood Banks

Pathology Labs

Blood tests become inevitable in patients suffering from kidney disease. All nooks and corners of India have pathology labs and there are large chain of...

Dialysis Centers

India is in burgeoning need of dialysis centres across various regions. If you are a dialysis centre, please register in the following link to maximize...

List of Doctors

If you are a nephrologist, a renal dietitian/ nutritionist, please register in the following link. Your address and contact no. for practice will also be...